If you wish to produce packages for distributions other than Debian, feel free, and they can be distributed from the standard e2compr distribution points.
Table of contents:
package if you haven't already
done so.
deb http://e2compr.memalpha.cx/e2compr/ftp/apt binary-all/ deb http://e2compr.memalpha.cx/e2compr/ftp/apt binary-i386/ deb-src http://e2compr.memalpha.cx/e2compr/ftp/apt source/or, if you are in Australia:
deb http://cvs.bofh.asn.au/e2compr/apt binary-all/ deb http://cvs.bofh.asn.au/e2compr/apt binary-i386/ deb-src http://cvs.bofh.asn.au/e2compr/apt source/
If you're familiar with apt-get
then you can skip the
rest of this section.
If you have an x86, glibc2.1 (i.e. potato) system, then do `apt-get install e2fsprogs-e2c findutils-e2c', or whatever list of packages.
Otherwise (i.e. non-x86 or non-glibc2.1), do `apt-get source --compile e2cfsprogs e2cfindutils' (or whatever list of packages). (You may prefer to use `--download-only' (`-d') instead of `--compile', and run `dpkg-source -x foo.dsc && cd foo && ./debian/rules build && fakeroot ./debian/rules binary && cd .. && rm -rf foo-1.0' for yourself for each package, so that the build happens as non-root.)
Then, as root, do `dpkg -i foo.deb ...', where `foo.deb ...' is the list of binary packages produced, which can be found by doing `ls -ltr *.deb'.
The Debian binaries should work fine on such systems. Just do:
$ ar x package.deb data.tar.gz $ su # tar xvzCf / data.tar.gz
(The above will write over your existing files, so you may wish to do
something like (in bash
/ some other Bourne-style shell):
# for i in `tar tzf data.tar.gz`; do (cd /; if [ -f "$i" ]; then mv -i $i std-"$i"; fi); donejust before
tar xvzCf
For everyone else, the best thing is just to build from source. You may wish to upload the results to incoming on opensource.captech.com, and post something to the e2compr list (stating what platform they're compiled for).